The purpose of the book
This book is made with the help of many artisan volunteers.
Native translators were also happy to volunteer.
I hope this book, written in English and Japanese, will help you understand Japan!
Hyogushi / Fumio Nakajima
表具師 / 中島文雄
Roji gardener / Masayuki Ogawa
露地庭師 / 小河正行
Tiler / Prof. Masahisa Asada
瓦 職 / 浅田晶久
Textiles (komeori) / Junko Ebigase
織 物 / 海老ヶ瀬順子
Kakejiku and Byobu / Kashu Yabuta
掛軸と屏風 / 薮田夏秋
Sakan (Plasterer) / Tetsuya Hagino
左 官 / 萩野哲也
Tatami master / Hiroshi Motoyama
畳 士 / 本山浩史
No mask carver / Nyozan Umehara
能面師 / 梅原如山
Japanese embroidery / Yuri Nishimura
日本刺繍 / 西村由利
Kumihimo / Oshun Hasegawa
組 紐 / 長谷川往春
Wagashi (Japanese confection) / Hironori Takaya
和菓子 / 高家裕典
Tofu shop / Takemi & Megumi Tsutsumi
豆腐屋 / 堤武美・恵
Washoku (Japanese cuisine) / Masayuki Horimoto 和 食 / 堀本雅之
Cloisonne / Hiromi Nomura
七宝焼き / 野村ひろみ
Yuzen sculptor / Takeshi Nishimura
友禅彫刻 / 西村武志
Edokiriko (glass ware) / Kenji & Yuji Kadowaki
江戸切子 / 門脇健二・裕二
Hand-painted Yuzen dyeing / Kihachi Tabata
手描き友禅染 / 田畑喜八
Washi (Japanese paper) / Eriko Horiki
手漉き和紙 / 堀木エリ子
Bekko Isogai (tortoiseshell)/ Minoru,Tsuyoshi, Katsumi, Daisuke Isogai
ベッ甲/磯貝 實・克実・剛・大輔
Handmade tea can / Takahiro Yagi
手づくり茶筒 / 八木隆裕
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